Friday, September 23, 2011

5k Run

I never thought this day would come, but it's official. I'm finally doing it. I'm running in my very first 5k on Saturday. I've run off and on over the last few years. Granted, most of the time it's more off than on, but still. I've moaned and complained about how much I hate running. Seriously, when I would run while playing soccer in high school, it was a completely different ball game (no pun intended). It was totally different than running just to run. There was a point. There was something to run after. Now that I think about it, I've even whined in a blog post or two about how much I loathe running. And yet, I keep doing it. Because it's good for me. *sigh*

And now I'm actually running in an organized event?! I'm running with a bunch of other people?! I'm actually being timed?! Oh boy. I must be crazy. must be for a good cause!! Yeah, I think that's a much better explanation by far! Because it is, indeed, for an incredible cause...for an amazing little boy!!  Check out his story and details for the race here.

Come out and run, walk, bike, skate, or even crawl with us. Just come out. Come and support this wonderful family.

Side note: I love the crazy, awesome staff at Victory Church. This video truly captures two of them in all their glory. haha

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