Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So Blessed

I've truly been blessed with some of the best friends anyone could ever want.  Friends you can share anything with, and they'll still love you when you're done.  Friends you can be completely real around.  Transparent.  Raw.  Genuine.  And even when your life stages or localities change, you know that your friendship will never change.  They're still there for you no matter what. 

I've been contemplating how we made that initial connection.  How we've gotten to know each other.  How somewhere along the way we crossed the line from being mere "acquaintances" to being trusted, true friends.  I don't know how it happened exactly.  I think sometimes God just flat out blesses us.  I do know that there were specific times when we decided to break down those inner walls that nobody really knows are even there until you get close enough and care enough to see them.  And to find people you can trust enough to let them into the inner circle...that just doesn't happen very often.

It's easy to take people for granted.  It's easy to forget how important it is to invest in the lives of the ones you love.  It's easy to get busy and let schedules get the best of you.  It's easy to lose touch and let the really good ones slip away.  It's easy to forget to celebrate your friendships and fail to share your gratitude for them.

So thank you, God, for blessing me with these incredible friends of mine!!  

I had the privilege to spend some good quality time with two of these friends yesterday.  It's crazy how life has changed so drastically within the last year.  They both have wee ones to care for now.  But I absolutely love having the privilege of being a part of their lives...and now their children's lives.  Like I said, life stages have changed, but that deep rooted friendship remains intact.  So I want to say thank you.  Thank you for everything you've done for me.  Thank you for every time you've been there for me.  Thank you for the fun we've had and the crazy antics.  Thank you for the tears we've shed and for the heartaches you've helped me through.  Thank you just for being there to listen and to care.  And thank you most of all for encouraging me to follow hard after God and be a better me.  You are greatly loved!!

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